And the blog works!

December 6th, 2007

That didn't take long. Beyond the problem of finding out how to make a blog in the first place, I encountered problems integrating it nicely into Google page creator. I really like the service, and a lot can be done with it, but it can be somewhat tedious. I used an iframe for this, which works pretty well, but I was unable to edit the page again after adding it, meaning I'd have to recreate the entire page if I decide something should be changed.


Anton Prior said...

hi jeremy! The site looks awesome :)

Anonymous said...

would it be possible for you to copy and paste the text part of it, rather than retyping it all? Just a thought.

Jeremy Moody said...

I wasn't perfectly clear; the interface to edit html crashes after saving the page. I can make changes to the blog itself easily, but I can't change the layout of the page it is embedded in using google's interface. I have the page set up now as a file uploaded to the site, meaning I can't make any edits through google's interface, but I can still use a simple text editor and re-upload it.